Tutorial Data Files

import os
import transportation_tutorials as tt
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import larch

Florida Statewide

Household Income, by County

Census data giving a tabulation of household income, by county in Florida. This data comes from the 2017 5-year ACS, Table B19001.

hhinc = pd.read_csv(tt.data('ACS_17_5YR_B19001'), header=[0,1], index_col=0)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 67 entries, 0500000US12001 to 0500000US12133
Data columns (total 36 columns):
(GEO.id2, Id2)                                                 67 non-null int64
(GEO.display-label, Geography)                                 67 non-null object
(HD01_VD01, Estimate; Total:)                                  67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD01, Margin of Error; Total:)                           67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD02, Estimate; Total: - Less than $10,000)              67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD02, Margin of Error; Total: - Less than $10,000)       67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD03, Estimate; Total: - $10,000 to $14,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD03, Margin of Error; Total: - $10,000 to $14,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD04, Estimate; Total: - $15,000 to $19,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD04, Margin of Error; Total: - $15,000 to $19,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD05, Estimate; Total: - $20,000 to $24,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD05, Margin of Error; Total: - $20,000 to $24,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD06, Estimate; Total: - $25,000 to $29,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD06, Margin of Error; Total: - $25,000 to $29,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD07, Estimate; Total: - $30,000 to $34,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD07, Margin of Error; Total: - $30,000 to $34,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD08, Estimate; Total: - $35,000 to $39,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD08, Margin of Error; Total: - $35,000 to $39,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD09, Estimate; Total: - $40,000 to $44,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD09, Margin of Error; Total: - $40,000 to $44,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD10, Estimate; Total: - $45,000 to $49,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD10, Margin of Error; Total: - $45,000 to $49,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD11, Estimate; Total: - $50,000 to $59,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD11, Margin of Error; Total: - $50,000 to $59,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD12, Estimate; Total: - $60,000 to $74,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD12, Margin of Error; Total: - $60,000 to $74,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD13, Estimate; Total: - $75,000 to $99,999)             67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD13, Margin of Error; Total: - $75,000 to $99,999)      67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD14, Estimate; Total: - $100,000 to $124,999)           67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD14, Margin of Error; Total: - $100,000 to $124,999)    67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD15, Estimate; Total: - $125,000 to $149,999)           67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD15, Margin of Error; Total: - $125,000 to $149,999)    67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD16, Estimate; Total: - $150,000 to $199,999)           67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD16, Margin of Error; Total: - $150,000 to $199,999)    67 non-null int64
(HD01_VD17, Estimate; Total: - $200,000 or more)               67 non-null int64
(HD02_VD17, Margin of Error; Total: - $200,000 or more)        67 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(35), object(1)
memory usage: 19.4+ KB

County Shapefile

This shapefile contains the boundaries of counties in Florida.

os.path.basename(tt.data('FL-COUNTY-SHAPE', '*.shp'))
fl_county = gpd.read_file(tt.data('FL-COUNTY-SHAPE'))
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 616 entries, 0 to 615
Data columns (total 5 columns):
OBJECTID     616 non-null int64
COASTBND     616 non-null object
DATESTAMP    616 non-null object
SHAPELEN     616 non-null float64
geometry     616 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 24.1+ KB
ax = fl_county.plot()

SERPM8 Region

The following files include data for the entire SERPM8 region.

TAZ Shapefile

This shapefile contains geographic data for travel analysis zones (TAZ) in the SERPM region.

os.path.basename(tt.data('SERPM8-TAZSHAPE', '*.shp'))
taz = gpd.read_file(tt.data('SERPM8-TAZSHAPE'))
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4236 entries, 0 to 4235
Data columns (total 15 columns):
OBJECTID      4236 non-null int64
TAZ_REG       4236 non-null float64
TAZ_OLD05     4236 non-null int64
TAZ_MPO       4236 non-null int64
COUNTY        4236 non-null float64
CENSUSTAZ     1506 non-null object
TAZ_BF        4236 non-null int64
FIX           4236 non-null int64
AREA          4236 non-null float64
F_NETAREA     4236 non-null float64
CBD           4236 non-null int64
HM_ROOMS      4236 non-null int64
Shape_Leng    4236 non-null float64
Shape_Area    4236 non-null float64
geometry      4236 non-null object
dtypes: float64(6), int64(7), object(2)
memory usage: 496.5+ KB
ax = taz.plot()

MAZ Shapefile

os.path.basename(tt.data('SERPM8-MAZSHAPE', '*.shp'))
maz = gpd.read_file(tt.data('SERPM8-MAZSHAPE', '*.shp'))
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 12022 entries, 0 to 12021
Data columns (total 8 columns):
OBJECTID      12022 non-null int64
MAZ           12022 non-null int64
SHAPE_LENG    12022 non-null float64
SHAPE_AREA    12022 non-null float64
ACRES         12022 non-null int64
POINT_X       12022 non-null int64
POINT_Y       12022 non-null int64
geometry      12022 non-null object
dtypes: float64(2), int64(5), object(1)
memory usage: 751.5+ KB
ax = maz.plot()

MAZ Socio-Economic Data

os.path.basename(tt.data('SERPM8-MAZDATA', '*.csv'))
mazd = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-MAZDATA', '*.csv'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 12022 entries, 0 to 12021
Data columns (total 76 columns):
mgra                            12022 non-null int64
TAZ                             12022 non-null int64
HH                              12022 non-null int64
POP                             12022 non-null int64
emp_self                        12022 non-null int64
emp_ag                          12022 non-null int64
emp_const_non_bldg_prod         12022 non-null int64
emp_const_non_bldg_office       12022 non-null int64
emp_utilities_prod              12022 non-null int64
emp_utilities_office            12022 non-null int64
emp_const_bldg_prod             12022 non-null int64
emp_const_bldg_office           12022 non-null int64
emp_mfg_prod                    12022 non-null int64
emp_mfg_office                  12022 non-null int64
emp_whsle_whs                   12022 non-null int64
emp_trans                       12022 non-null int64
emp_retail                      12022 non-null int64
emp_prof_bus_svcs               12022 non-null int64
emp_prof_bus_svcs_bldg_maint    12022 non-null int64
emp_pvt_ed_k12                  12022 non-null int64
emp_pvt_ed_post_k12_oth         12022 non-null int64
emp_health                      12022 non-null int64
emp_personal_svcs_office        12022 non-null int64
emp_amusement                   12022 non-null int64
emp_hotel                       12022 non-null int64
emp_restaurant_bar              12022 non-null int64
emp_personal_svcs_retail        12022 non-null int64
emp_religious                   12022 non-null int64
emp_pvt_hh                      12022 non-null int64
emp_state_local_gov_ent         12022 non-null int64
emp_scrap_other                 12022 non-null int64
emp_fed_non_mil                 12022 non-null int64
emp_fed_mil                     12022 non-null int64
emp_state_local_gov_blue        12022 non-null int64
emp_state_local_gov_white       12022 non-null int64
emp_public_ed                   12022 non-null int64
emp_own_occ_dwell_mgmt          12022 non-null int64
emp_fed_gov_accts               12022 non-null int64
emp_st_lcl_gov_accts            12022 non-null int64
emp_cap_accts                   12022 non-null int64
emp_total                       12022 non-null int64
collegeEnroll                   12022 non-null int64
otherCollegeEnroll              12022 non-null int64
AdultSchEnrl                    12022 non-null int64
EnrollGradeKto8                 12022 non-null int64
EnrollGrade9to12                12022 non-null int64
PrivateEnrollGradeKto8          12022 non-null int64
ech_dist                        12022 non-null int64
hch_dist                        12022 non-null int64
parkarea                        12022 non-null int64
hstallsoth                      12022 non-null int64
hstallssam                      12022 non-null int64
hparkcost                       12022 non-null int64
numfreehrs                      12022 non-null int64
dstallsoth                      12022 non-null int64
dstallssam                      12022 non-null int64
dparkcost                       12022 non-null int64
mstallsoth                      12022 non-null int64
mstallssam                      12022 non-null int64
mparkcost                       12022 non-null float64
TotInt                          12022 non-null int64
DUDen                           12022 non-null float64
EmpDen                          12022 non-null float64
PopDen                          12022 non-null float64
RetEmpDen                       12022 non-null float64
IntDenBin                       12022 non-null int64
EmpDenBin                       12022 non-null int64
DuDenBin                        12022 non-null int64
POINT_X                         12022 non-null int64
POINT_Y                         12022 non-null int64
ACRES                           12022 non-null int64
HotelRoomTotal                  12022 non-null int64
mall_flag                       12022 non-null int64
beachAcres                      12022 non-null int64
geoSRate                        12022 non-null int64
geoSRateNm                      12022 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(5), int64(71)
memory usage: 7.0 MB

Loaded Highway Network

hwy = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-BASE2015-AM_HLOAD'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 50865 entries, 0 to 50864
Columns: 228 entries, Unnamed: 0 to LW_RCTOLLPK
dtypes: float64(94), int64(134)
memory usage: 88.5 MB

Jupiter Example Study Area

The following files include synthetic data that has been generated for the Jupiter Example Study Area. All data has been generated using the 2015 base year scenario. Note that while this data is representative of the data from real people, this is purely synthetic data, and does not show the actual behavior of any real person.


Data on synthetic households residing in the Jupiter study area.

hh = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-BASE2015-HOUSEHOLDS'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 18178 entries, 0 to 18177
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Unnamed: 0      18178 non-null int64
hh_id           18178 non-null int64
home_mgra       18178 non-null int64
income          18178 non-null int64
autos           18178 non-null int64
transponder     18178 non-null int64
cdap_pattern    18178 non-null object
jtf_choice      18178 non-null int64
autotech        18178 non-null int64
tncmemb         18178 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(9), object(1)
memory usage: 1.4+ MB


Data on synthetic persons residing in the Jupiter study area.

pers = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-BASE2015-PERSONS'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 40683 entries, 0 to 40682
Data columns (total 13 columns):
hh_id               40683 non-null int64
person_id           40683 non-null int64
person_num          40683 non-null int64
age                 40683 non-null int64
gender              40683 non-null object
type                40683 non-null object
value_of_time       40683 non-null float64
activity_pattern    40683 non-null object
imf_choice          40683 non-null int64
inmf_choice         40683 non-null int64
fp_choice           40683 non-null int64
reimb_pct           40683 non-null float64
wrkr_type           40683 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(8), object(3)
memory usage: 4.0+ MB


All individual tours made by synthetic persons residing in the Jupiter study area. Note this includes home-based tours that have destinations outside the study area, as well as work-based tours that may be entirely outside the study area.

hh = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-BASE2015-TOURS'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 47485 entries, 0 to 47484
Data columns (total 61 columns):
hh_id            47485 non-null int64
person_id        47485 non-null int64
person_num       47485 non-null int64
person_type      47485 non-null int64
tour_id          47485 non-null int64
tour_category    47485 non-null object
tour_purpose     47485 non-null object
orig_mgra        47485 non-null int64
dest_mgra        47485 non-null int64
start_period     47485 non-null int64
end_period       47485 non-null int64
tour_mode        47485 non-null int64
tour_distance    47485 non-null float64
tour_time        47485 non-null float64
atWork_freq      47485 non-null int64
num_ob_stops     47485 non-null int64
num_ib_stops     47485 non-null int64
out_btap         47485 non-null int64
out_atap         47485 non-null int64
in_btap          47485 non-null int64
in_atap          47485 non-null int64
util_1           47485 non-null float64
util_2           47485 non-null float64
util_3           47485 non-null float64
util_4           47485 non-null float64
util_5           47485 non-null float64
util_6           47485 non-null float64
util_7           47485 non-null float64
util_8           47485 non-null float64
util_9           47485 non-null float64
util_10          47485 non-null float64
util_11          47485 non-null float64
util_12          47485 non-null float64
util_13          47485 non-null float64
util_14          47485 non-null float64
util_15          47485 non-null float64
util_16          47485 non-null float64
util_17          47485 non-null float64
util_18          47485 non-null float64
util_19          47485 non-null float64
util_20          47485 non-null float64
prob_1           47485 non-null float64
prob_2           47485 non-null float64
prob_3           47485 non-null float64
prob_4           47485 non-null float64
prob_5           47485 non-null float64
prob_6           47485 non-null float64
prob_7           47485 non-null float64
prob_8           47485 non-null float64
prob_9           47485 non-null float64
prob_10          47485 non-null float64
prob_11          47485 non-null float64
prob_12          47485 non-null float64
prob_13          47485 non-null float64
prob_14          47485 non-null float64
prob_15          47485 non-null float64
prob_16          47485 non-null float64
prob_17          47485 non-null float64
prob_18          47485 non-null float64
prob_19          47485 non-null float64
prob_20          47485 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(42), int64(17), object(2)
memory usage: 22.1+ MB


All trips on individual tours made by synthetic persons residing in the Jupiter study area. Note this includes trips that have origins or destinations outside the study area.

trips = pd.read_csv(tt.data('SERPM8-BASE2015-TRIPS'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 123874 entries, 0 to 123873
Data columns (total 20 columns):
hh_id              123874 non-null int64
person_id          123874 non-null int64
person_num         123874 non-null int64
tour_id            123874 non-null int64
stop_id            123874 non-null int64
inbound            123874 non-null int64
tour_purpose       123874 non-null object
orig_purpose       123874 non-null object
dest_purpose       123874 non-null object
orig_mgra          123874 non-null int64
dest_mgra          123874 non-null int64
parking_mgra       123874 non-null int64
stop_period        123874 non-null int64
trip_mode          123874 non-null int64
trip_board_tap     123874 non-null int64
trip_alight_tap    123874 non-null int64
tour_mode          123874 non-null int64
smplRate_geo       123874 non-null float64
autotech           123874 non-null int64
tncmemb            123874 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(16), object(3)
memory usage: 18.9+ MB

Highway Skims

The tutorial data contains a set of highway skims for the Jupiter example area, in openmatrix (omx) format.

skims = larch.OMX(tt.data('SERPM8-JUPITER-AMHSKIMS'))
 |  shape:(220, 220)
 |  data:
 |    AM_DAT_DIST      (float64)
 |    AM_DAT_FFTIME    (float64)
 |    AM_DAT_TIME      (float64)
 |    AM_DAT_TOLLCOST  (float64)
 |    AM_DAT_TOLLDIST  (float64)
 |    AM_GP_DIST       (float64)
 |    AM_GP_FFTIME     (float64)
 |    AM_GP_TIME       (float64)
 |    AM_S2NH_DIST     (float64)
 |    AM_S2NH_FFTIME   (float64)
 |    AM_S2NH_HOVDIST  (float64)
 |    AM_S2NH_TIME     (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_DIST     (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_FFTIME   (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_HOVDIST  (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_TIME     (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_TOLLCOST (float64)
 |    AM_S2TH_TOLLDIST (float64)
 |  lookup:
 |    TAZ_ID (220 int64)

Exampville Simulated Data

Exampville is an entirely fictional town built for the express purpose of demostrating the use of discrete choice modeling tools for transportation planning. The exampville data files are packaged with Larch, an open source package for discrete choice models.

import larch.exampville

TAZ Shapefile

The shapefile that includes a map of the travel analysis zones in Exampville is stored in a zip file.


Geopandas can open and read this data directly with unzipping it on disk first, by including the “zip://” protocol in front of the filename.

taz_shape = gpd.read_file("zip://"+larch.exampville.files.shapefile)

TAZ Employment Data

emp = pd.read_csv(larch.exampville.files.employment, index_col='TAZ')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 40 entries, 1 to 40
Data columns (total 3 columns):
NONRETAIL_EMP    40 non-null int64
RETAIL_EMP       40 non-null int64
TOTAL_EMP        40 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(3)
memory usage: 1.2 KB


The network skims for Exampville are stored in open matrix format. Larch includes a OMX reader, which also embeds a number of handy tools for processing OMX data into formats useful for discrete choice analysis.

skims = larch.OMX( larch.exampville.files.skims, mode='r' )
<larch.OMX> ⋯/exampville_skims.omx
 |  shape:(40, 40)
 |  data:
 |    AUTO_COST    (float64)
 |    AUTO_DIST    (float64)
 |    AUTO_TIME    (float64)
 |    BIKE_TIME    (float64)
 |    TRANSIT_FARE (float64)
 |    TRANSIT_IVTT (float64)
 |    TRANSIT_OVTT (float64)
 |    WALK_DIST    (float64)
 |    WALK_TIME    (float64)
 |  lookup:
 |    TAZ_ID (40 int64)


hh = pd.read_csv( larch.exampville.files.hh )
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5000 entries, 0 to 4999
Data columns (total 7 columns):
X           5000 non-null float64
Y           5000 non-null float64
INCOME      5000 non-null int64
geometry    5000 non-null object
HOMETAZ     5000 non-null int64
HHSIZE      5000 non-null int64
HHID        5000 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(4), object(1)
memory usage: 273.5+ KB


pp = pd.read_csv( larch.exampville.files.person )
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9146 entries, 0 to 9145
Data columns (total 8 columns):
PERSONID         9146 non-null int64
HHID             9146 non-null int64
HHIDX            9146 non-null int64
AGE              9146 non-null int64
WORKS            9146 non-null int64
N_WORK_TOURS     9146 non-null int64
N_OTHER_TOURS    9146 non-null int64
N_TOURS          9146 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(8)
memory usage: 571.7 KB


tour = pd.read_csv( larch.exampville.files.tour )
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 15934 entries, 0 to 15933
Data columns (total 6 columns):
TOURID      15934 non-null int64
HHID        15934 non-null int64
PERSONID    15934 non-null int64
DTAZ        15934 non-null int64
TOURMODE    15934 non-null int64
TOURPURP    15934 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(6)
memory usage: 747.0 KB

Miscellaneous Other Files

import gzip
with gzip.open(tt.data('THIS-FILE-IS-CORRUPT'), 'rb') as f:
b'"Name","2019 Population","Growth Since 2010"\n"Miami-Dade County",2751796,9.754517738314988\n"Broward County",1935878,10.438146461848802\n"Palm Beach County",1471150,11.134781186520442\n"Hillsborough County",1408566,14.187346024545278\n"Orange County",1348975,17.43533537158656\n"Pinellas County",970637,5.908084103481755\n"Duval County",937934,8.349130546785744\n"Lee County",739224,19.13993814336621\n"Polk County",686483,13.819128387508599\n"Brevard County",589162,8.306616468373605\n"Volusia County",538692,8.949041751947647\n"Pasco County",525643,12.922511761799399\n"Seminole County",462659,9.358845567465991\n"Sarasota County",419119,10.310730002316134\n"Manatee County",385571,19.209804630857747\n"Collier County",372880,15.585506554536408\n"Marion County",354353,6.94414264329518\n"Osceola County",352180,30.50857507077953\n"Lake County",346017,16.228535726762146\n"Escambia County",313512,5.19266128924022\n"St. Lucie Count\x97\xef\x88\xf5;\xd6\r\xa7\xf3\x9d\xd9\xf4\xbd\xaeZt\xb2\x88\xfb\xc8(\xb5\xb4\r\xf1%\xc05\xb4BM\xc1\xe3\xb4\xad\xd45\xb1:M\x00s|\x0f\xd9\x0eA\xb5\xa4\xcb>\xc28\xeb\x89\x9b\x1aR\xb8v\xc7\xc8\x84\x804"^\xf2\xd0\xad\x8ar\x0c\xf59\xdfU\xad\xafo\xae\xe2\x0c\xc4\xce94\xba\xdco\xdf<\x840\r\x97#\xaf\xe0\xcb\xcbf\xed\x02\xbe\xf1\x18\xb8Fm\x80\xb0:3\x1d\x02'