Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Back to the Future - Florida Transportation Plan 2045 and How Did We Grow
The session format consisted of two presentations on two major regional and statewide initiatives currently underway – the Update to the Florida Transportation Plan 2045 by the FDOT and the How Did We Grow evaluation by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. The event speakers and panelists included Judy Pizzo, Planning Project Manager, FDOT District 5 Planning and Environmental Management Office; Karen Snyder, Project Development Manager, FDOT District 5 Planning and Environmental Management Office; and Tara McCue, Director of Planning and Community Development, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council.
Judy Pizzo and Karen Snyder presented the 2045 FTP Update process along with statewide statistics and trends, various elements of the FTP and new considerations in the update. Following the presentation, the speakers conducted an online poll via PollEverywhere to get input from attendees on transportation trends, preferences and values that will share the update. Tara McCue presented an overview of the previous How Shall We Grow Effort that was adopted by the Central Florida region in 2007. Tara presented summaries by County and the region comparing the actual trends to the projected trends in the 2007 plan.
The presentations from the December 3rd meeting can be found at this link: http://www.cfgis.org/FDOT-Resources/Meeting-Materials/Category-1-Example/Materials-from-12-03-2019.aspx.