Northeast Regional Planning Model (NERPM) / Statewide and Regional Models

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Northeast Regional Planning Model (NERPM)

Thank you for visiting the webpage. The North Florida TPO adopted model is ready for distribution. Please submit the request for the new model NERPMABv2.0 below.

It is anticipated that the model will be updated regularly in order to reflect the latest amendments to the LRTP, land use plan, and/or to correct errors.

Model Updates: The model will be updated in the following coordinated manner.

  1. When an issue of zonal data or network coding is identified, please inform the North Florida TPO.
  2. The TPO will review and decide how the issue should be addressed and notify FDOT-D2 how the zonal data should be revised.
  3. FDOT D2 will review with the North Florida TPO staff and make necessary changes.
  4. FDOT-D2 will maintain a log for all the issues identified and will coordinate with the TPO on a quarterly meeting for acceptance.

For additional information, please email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), FDOT District Two Modeling Coordinators.

NERPMABv2.1.1 Model Update


Version NERPMABv2.1.1 is available for download. Includes the following changes:

  • Updated PopulationSim control totals that address the manual revisions to land-use data.
  • Updated DaySim Inputs (households and person dbf files which are the result of PopulationSim run with updated control totals).
  • Correction made to the employment totals for 2045.

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NERPMABv2.1 Model Update

NERPMABv2.1 has been replaced with NERPMABv2.1.1

Version NERPMABv2.1 is available for download. Includes the following changes:

- Included corrected TAZ 466 Mayo Clinic
- Included PopulationSim controls for future year
- Included description of what to change when running PopulationSim for future year
- Added script to update populationsim controls from land-use data automatically
- Updated document i.e. how to update controls when adding households (updating controls).Included R setup
- Recommend users review updated NERPMAB Finial Report V 7  (In the DOC folder)
     o    Appendix A Synthetic Population 
     o    Appendix B Prepare DaySim inputs

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Northeast Regional Planning Model - Activity Based (NERPMABv2.0)

NERPMABv2.0 has been replaced with NERPMABv2.1

The Northeast Regional Planning Model Activity-Based (NERPMABv2.0) is comprised of two primary components: the DaySim activity-based demand model and the Cube Voyager network supply model. DaySim is a set of travel demand forecast models that predict household and person travel choices at a microzone level on a minute-by-minute basis. Cube Voyager is used to assign this travel demand to roadway and transit networks, and to produce estimates of network performance. In addition, Cube Voyager provides an overal framework and graphical user interface for users to configure and execute the overall model system. These two primary components are supported by a number of auxiliary models and tools.

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Northeast Regional Planning Model - Activity Based1v3 (NERPM-AB)

NEW NERPM-AB1v3 (Activity-Based Model Released on 04/17/2017)
NERPM-AB1 version 3.0 model is available for download. The downloads may take up to 2 hours depending on the network speed. This NEW version includes interim 2025 and 2035 model networks, the Land Use/Parcel Editing interface updates, and a NEW Trip Distribution percent interface. This is the model and includes all files needed to run the model.

Within, Parcels_20XX.gdb – XX stands for any given year between 2010 and 2040. These files are inputs for the "Generate or Edit Parcel File" application. The appropriate file for the year to edit should be placed in the NERPMAB1v3\Input_ParcelData directory before running the Generate or Edit application. These are only needed if the DaySim inputs supplied with the main model need to be edited or DaySim inputs generated for a year is not supplied with the main model.

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