Posted Friday, January 22, 2021
SERPM 8 Model Training
A SERPM 8 Model Training was held on October 27, 2020 for RTTAC-MS Member Agency Staff.
Training Objectives:
- Review SERPM 8 model structure and how it works
- Hands-on examples and homework related to running the model
- Details on specific topics requested by agencies
The training covers the following information.
Part 1:
- High level introductions to topics
- Basics of running model (Cube, CT-RAMP)
Part 2:
- Preparing and coding networks for model scenarios
Part 3:
- Preparing socioeconomic/land use data inputs
- Site impact analysis
Part 4:
- Other topics (select link, zone splitting, TNC modeling, air quality)
Training materials and data files can be downloaded via the link.